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SUZUKI Motorcycle Fault Codes DTC

Suzuki Motocycles Fault Codes DTC
Suzuki Motocycles Fault Codes DTC
Suzuki Motocycles Fault Codes DTC.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB

SUZUKI Motorcycle Manuals & Wiring Diagrams PDF

1996 Suzuki Bandit GSF1200 Service Manual
1996 Suzuki Bandit GSF1200 Service Manual - German
1996 Suzuki Bandit GSF1200 Service Manua
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
Suzuki Burgman AN400 Engine Servuce Manual
Suzuki Burgman AN400 Engine Servuce Manual
Suzuki Burgman AN400 Engine Servuce Manu
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.1 MB
Suzuki PE250 Owner Manual
Suzuki PE250 Owner Manual
1978 PE250.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.0 MB

Suzuki DL650A Owner Manual
Suzuki DL650A Owner Manual
2008 DL650A.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.1 MB
Suzuki Raider 150 Owner Manual
Suzuki Raider 150 Owner Manual
Suzuki Raider 150.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.2 MB
1993 Suzuki DR250 SE Owner's Manual
1993 Suzuki DR250 SE Owner's Manual
1993 Suzuki DR250 SE Owner's Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.5 MB

1985 Suzuki FA50 Owner's Manual
1985 Suzuki FA50 Owner's Manual
1985 Suzuki FA50 Owner's Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1'010.7 KB
1997 Suzuki FX150 Owner's Manual
1997 Suzuki FX150 Owner's Manual
1997 Suzuki FX150 Owner's Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.8 MB
2000 Suzuki SV650 S Owner's Manual
2000 Suzuki SV650 S Owner's Manual
2000 Suzuki SV650 S Owner's Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.5 MB

1999 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R Service Manual
1999 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R Service Manual
1999 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R Service Ma
Adobe Acrobat Document 13.6 MB
Suzuki Intruder Service Manual
Suzuki Intruder Service Manual
Suzuki Intruder Service Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 385.2 KB
Suzuki T500 Owner's Manual
Suzuki T500 Owner's Manual
Suzuki T500 Owner's Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB

Suzuki V-Storm Engine Service Manual
Suzuki V-Storm Engine Service Manual
Suzuki V-Storm Engine Service Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 504.2 KB
1997-2002 Suzuki Marauder VZ800 Service Manual
1997-2002 Suzuki Marauder VZ800 Service Manual
1997-2002 Suzuki Marauder VZ800 Service
Adobe Acrobat Document 11.3 MB
Suzuki V-Storm Wiring Diagam
Suzuki V-Storm Wiring Diagam
Suzuki V-Storm Wiring Diagam.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 111.0 KB

Suzuki VL800C Owner Manual
Suzuki VL800C Owner Manual
2009 VL800 C T.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.9 MB
Suzuki Address Wiring Diagram
JPG Image 752.7 KB
2001 Suzuki Volusia VL800 Service Manual
2001 Suzuki Volusia VL800 Service Manual
2001 Suzuki Volusia VL800 Service Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 13.6 MB

Suzuki GN 125 Wiring Diagram
JPG Image 223.6 KB
Suzuki Burgman AN650 Wiring Diagram
Graphic Interchange format 297.4 KB
Suzuki Boulevard C90 Wiring Diagram
JPG Image 362.0 KB

suzuki moto

History of Suzuki Motorcycle

Some SUZUKI Motorcycle Manuals & Electric Wiring Diagrams PDF are above the page - B andit, Burgman, DL, GR, FA, FX, Haybusa, Intruder, Marauder, PE, Raider, SVT500, V-Storm, Volusia VL.


October 1966 marked the first year for the company's debut beautiful road racing motorcycle Suzuki 250 T20.


It was equipped with an unusual then separate lubrication system, allowing the driver when filling not get their hands dirty. T20 waited a worldwide success, and the bike for a few years became the hallmark of the firm.


Buy it in Europe and America, noting the phenomenal reliability.


Time passed, consumers are demanding more power on that Suzuki in 1969 proposed a model T500, equipped with two-cylinder two-stroke engine of 492 cm3 and a power of 46 hp


The device has attracted fans of fast driving, it accelerates to 190 km / h.


Firmly entrenched itself as the manufacturer of the world's top motorcycles with two-stroke engines, the company makes another step in the race capacity.


Suzuki GT750, equipped with a three-cylinder two-stroke liquid-cooled engine has already issued 67 "horses", which in those days was a serious competitor to other "Japanese".


The market is not too warmly received novelty - in fashion includes motorcycles with four-stroke engines.


Then Suzuki piano gets out of the bushes - a motorcycle with a rotary engine. But buyers on exotic Suzuki RE5 not "wilt" and the motorcycle did not stay in the production program of the company decided not to tempt fate


Let all forces to create a four-stroke engines.


Thus was born a series of motorcycles GS, and her firstborn and Suzuki GS400 Suzuki GS750.


Since 1978, the first year in the program of the firm motorcycles with two-stroke engines do not dominate - Suzuki made another step to today's prosperous state.