KAWASAKI Motorcycle Fault Codes DTC
Some KAWASAKI Motorcycle Manuals & Wiring Diagrams PDF are above the page - ZX400, ZXR400, KLX140, Ninja, KX, Z1000, MLR, W800, Vulcan, EL, Concours.
Kawasaki is exclusively associated with sports bikes. In fact, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. - This is a huge industrial concern, for which the production of motorcycles is only one of many activities.
Motorcycles are manufactured by the Kawasaki Motorcycle Corporation, which appeared in 1963 after the takeover of Kawasaki by Meguro, a motorcycle company. Before this, the companies simply collaborated. The unification allowed achieving new results in the market.
The history of Kawasaki began back in 1887, when the Japanese businessman Shozo Kawasaki founded the shipbuilding company Kawasaki Tsukiji Shipyard.
Having extensive experience in sea travel, Kawasaki was convinced that Europeans understand much more Japanese in ships.
For this reason, he decided to use the European principles of shipbuilding. In 1896, the company was renamed Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd.
To date, Kawasaki Corporation includes many divisions both in Japan itself and around the world.
The most diverse products are produced - from motorcycles, to airplanes and ships.