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CR&S Motorcycle PDF Manual

CR&S Motorcycle
CR&S Motorcycle
CR&S Duu Motorcycle Service Manual
CR&S Duu Motorcycle Service Manual
CR&S Duu Motorcycle Service Manual.pdf
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History of CR&S Motorcycles

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Roberto Crepaldi is the founder of CR&S. His love for motorcycles began at a young age.


Roberto's career began when he became the representative of such famous companies as Harley-Davidson, Triumph and Norton in Italy.


But Roberto's desire to create his own technique was so great that he founded his company in Italy.


In 1992, the CR&S company was founded, the main income of which was the sale of sports cars from the 60s-70s. But by 2002, the scope of the company had changed, and CR&S began to manufacture motor vehicles to order.


Roberto Crepaldi becomes the chief designer of unique motorcycle models. The idea of bespoke motorcycles is very useful for true connoisseurs of a custom motorcycle.


After acquiring a two-wheeled friend, the motorcycle enthusiast wants to remake it for himself, so the company provides the client with the opportunity to get a completely finished motorcycle of his dreams.


CR&S is currently the only motorcycle manufacturer in Milan. Its sales reach about 100 motorcycles a year and are in high consumer demand in Japan, USA, Australia, China and Russia.